backwards and then forwards. We exit with some loud remonstrations. The over inquisitive have not just tried a bit of regular poking but have pulled the trike backwards freeing the front wheels and leaving it ready to freewheel down the hill to oblivion. Some strong words issued by Sheila whose French vocabulary is much more comprehensive than John’s.
We wheel the trike down the pavement and sit on a wall to consume our cold drinks. While there we are engaged in a bicycles conversation by a Brit living in France. He cycles a bit and wants to buy a road bike for all-year use to which he can attach mudguards. Not an easy thing to find in France. Although it is the land of the vélo, there is not much on offer between a utility machine and a vast choice of out and out sportive cycles. In increasingly hot sunshine, through Lacapelle, Livron and Jamblusse to reach the small village of Bach, where an inviting bench by the village cross indicates that it is picnic lunchtime. The route on continues to be ‘lumpy’ through Escamps and Laburgade until our final downhill run to Cahor in the Lot valley. Into the town centre and stop at the OdT for information. Sheila plus GPS then takes us smoothly through town to our hotel. Very friendly reception and trike parked in garage. After S&W we return to reception on our way out and Sheila asks for restaurant recommendations from the hotel patron and young girl at receptions. Sheila’s normal gambit is to ask, “where would you go to eat if you were paying, not the boyfriend?” They agree on two and we note the one favoured by the young girl who is probably on a lower personal budget. Sunny weather to explore the riverside and follow a gardens and historic buildings trail. Some of the ‘gardens’ are quite hard to find and some are no more than roadside planters, but an enjoyable walk nonetheless. After a spell having pre-dinner drinks in a town centre café, we head back to our restaurant in the old town. Good choice, good meal and not expensive. We are lucky that we went early, because by 8 pm it is full and there is then a steady stream of people turned away. Not too many, but some thing come up so often in the course of our cycle touring that it is not worth writing them out in full each time: Click on any photo to enlarge and scroll through gallery